Avon Grove Lions Club

Avon Grove Lions Club

has electric beds and 4 Hoya lifts in addition to the catagories listed above. See www.aglions.com or contact Bob Yeatman at 484-883-0515. Stair glides are available for pick up.
A standard wheelchair is available on loan: call site administrator at 610-594-7021 to arrange pick up.

4 standard manual wheelchair without foot rests; 0 with leg supports.

Canes: 6 adjustable; 2 standard; 0 folding;4 offset handle.

2 Quad canes:1 Right handed;1 Left handed.

(There are various canes in storage that have not been listed yet.)

1 Oxygen tank holder

3 rollators

4 New Nebulizers (1New Nebulizer for a small child) We can not take used nebulizers, please do not drop them off.

 Walkers in all sizes.

Stair lifts 0

Call Chester County Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired at 610-384-2767 to pick up or drop off a video magnifier(CCTV) or other working magnifiers, games or equipment.

White canes  3


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